I can post more pictures if they would help. The 12MHz oscillator must be connected to flash and set fuse bytes.Īfter doing this successfully, the programmer and adapter can be removed from the breadboard. After that, set the high and low fuse bytes. The 6 -foot cable allows for easy movement around your device.
This style of the S91 is a premium controller that features an eight -way directional pad, 2 shoulder buttons, and 4 face buttons. Open your chip flashing program of choice (I used ProISP) and flash the Hex file to the chip. The CirKa 'S91' Premium USB Controller for PC/ Mac gives you the same classic feel of your favorite retro controller on your computer. Then wire each of the 6: GND, 5V, MISO, SCK, RESET, and MOSI to the corresponding pins on the chip. From there, the 6 pins plug into an open spot on the breadboard. The 5x2 ribbon wire from the programmer plugs into the AVR Programming Adapter. These 3 together make it easier to wire the programmer to the microcontroller: This is a usb programmer that can be used for it: It is the compiled source code that is ready to be transferred to the chip. Download the hex file from the link in Step 3. I should have used the term Flashed in Step 3. I did not modify any source code for this project.